Kalabhairava Yantra
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Kalabhairava Yantra

Product Code: YT2118

$ 49 $60

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Product Weight: 100 GRM

Availability: In Stock.

Kala Bhairava Yantra

The Kala Bhairava Yantra is a very potent and effective yantra that adores life with Lord Bhairava's immense benefits. Mighty Bhairava is an aggressive representation of the powerful Lord Shiva. In this incarnation, the powerful Lord Shiva shields his followers from all enemies and bestows upon them unfathomable strength to overcome any obstacle. A potent sacred tool known as the Kala Bhairava Yantra draws the heavenly blessings and energy of Bhairava.

Significance of Kala Bhairava Yantra

Due to Kala Bhairava's blessings, the Kala Bhairava Yantra is a very important and influential yantra. The mighty Lord Bhairava shields his followers from the fury of time and worries. He brings the most happiness and peace into the devotee's life.

The powerful Kala Bhairava Yantra removes all negative energies and enhances life with positivity and peace. This yantra banishes all evil forces and bestows on the user a blissful state of mind. Those who are experiencing disaster and gloom in their lives often benefit from the yantra. They should also worship the yantra with the utmost devotion whenever they feel weak or defenceless.

Benefits of Kala Bhairava Yantra:

The following are a few notable benefits of worshipping the Kala Bhairava Yantra:

  1. The Kala Bhairava Yantra bestows both material and spiritual prosperity.
  2. The yantra eliminates all barriers and brings stability and harmony into life.
  3. The bitter implications of negative energies and foes are eliminated from life by the Kala Bhairava Yantra.
  4. The yantra protects them from any harmful event or element while warding off any ailments.
  5. It brings hope, calmness, and tranquillity into life.

Rules to use Kala Bhairava Yantra:

  1.  The yantra should be kept facing north or east and placed on a clean cloth for worship.
  2. Offer it flowers, fruits, and an incense stick, and ignite it.
  3. Use sandalwood or vermillion paste to create four dots on the edges and one in the centre.
  4. Chant the "Swarnat Vijaya Vidmahe Sula Hastaya Dhimahi Tanno Kala Bhairavaya Prachodayat" mantra to begin the worship and become fully absorbed in the devotion of the great Lord Bhairava.

Get in touch with us

The powerful Kala Bhairava Yantra is a yantra that gives life tremendous joy and vitality. Get in touch with us and reserve this potent yantra if you want it to bless your life with Lord Bhairava's blessings. You will obtain the most devoted online assistance from our end. We'll give you the yantra at your own pace. Be quick! Get the Kala Bhairava Yantra to reveal enormous benefits

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