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Incarnation of Ekadasa Rudra / Eleven forms of Rudra story narrated in Srimad Bhagavatam:

As mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatham -
The anger is the same whether showed because of lack of awareness or information. In spite of the fact that Brahma attempted to control his outrage, he couldn't do as such, despite the fact that he is the incomparable/ultimate being. Such outrage in its real nature originated from between the eyebrows of Brahma as Rudra, in a blended shading of blue (obliviousness) and red (enthusiasm), in light of the fact that outrage is the result of energy and lack of awareness.

dhiya nigrihyamano 'pi
bhruvor madhyat prajapateh
sadyo 'jayata tan-manyuh
kumaro nila-lohitah

After birth all divine beings started crying for authorized names and place.

sa vai ruroda devanam
purvajo bhagavan bhavah
namani kuru me dhatah
sthanani ca jagad-guro

The almighty Brahma, who was conceived from the lotus bloom, assuaged the kid with delicate words, , and said that do not cry i will do as you longing.

iti tasya vacah padmo
bhagavan paripalayan
abhyadhad bhadraya vaca
ma rodis tat karomi te

From that point Brahma said the ruler of demigods; you might be called by the name Rudra by all individuals on the grounds that you have so fretfully cried.

yad arodih sura-sreshtha
sodvega iva balakah
tatas tvam abhidhasyanti
namna rudra iti prajah

The creation of Rudra from between the eyebrows of Brahma as the after effect of his annoyance, produced from the method of energy incompletely touched by lack of awareness, is exceptionally noteworthy. In Bhagavad-gita (3.37) the rule of Rudra is depicted. Krodha (anger) is the result of kama (desire), which is the consequence of the method of energy. At the point when desire and craving are unsatisfied, the part of krodha shows up, which is the impressive foe of the molded soul.

hrid indriyany asur vyoma
vayur agnir jalam mahi
suryas candras tapas caiva
sthanany agre kritani te

At the point when the Rudra standard is displayed by persons who are not engaged with the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the irate individual tumbles down from the top of his enhanced position.

ye 'nye 'ravindaksha vimukta-maninas
tvayy asta-bhavad avisuddha-buddhayah
aruhya kricchrena param padam tatah
patanty adho 'nadrita-yushmad-anghrayah

Ekadasa Rudras 

The ten organs in the human body, with the prana as the tenth and the atma as the eleventh. When they depart from this mortal body, they make (one's relatives) weep. Because they then make them weep, therefore they are called Rudras.

It is propitious to know the following passage from Brihadaraynaka Upanishad:

katame rudrA iti |
dasheme purushhe prANA

te yadA.asmAchchharIrAnmartyAdutkrAmanty
atha rodayanti
tasmAdrudrA iti || 4 ||

Story of Ekadasa Rudra

Lord Brahma "The Creator of Universe" got to be unequipped for performing the Creation action. When he tumbled down dead from fatigue, his body part and emerged in eleven structures through the grace of Lord Rudra. These eleven structures are the "Ekadasa Rudras"according to vedic Scriptures.

This story is found in different vedic scriptures with a few variations. On Brahma's request, Siva made the eleven Rudras from Brahma's forehead. On seeing them, Brahma blacked out and these Rudras took up the Creation movement from that point. Each Rudra made One Crore comparable Rudras. After Brahma woke up from this daze. 

Consequently, Lord Siva requested the Rudras to stop the Creation action. He made a different world for the Rudras and requesting that they go and live there.

The Linga that the Rudras venerated is known as "Rudrakoteeswara". These Rudras are not venerated in the Idol structure. Despite the fact that they are commonly adored as Eleven Lingas, in the Kanchi Kailasanathar sanctuary, idols of Ekadasa Rudras can be found.

The name of these eleven rudra's are : Mahadeva, Shiva, Maha Rudra, Shankara, Neelaholita, Eshana Rudra, Vijaya Rudra, Bheema Rudra, Devadeva, Bhavodbhava, Adityatmaka Rudra.

As mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3. Chapter 12 - Lord Brahma said rudra also known by eleven other names Manyu, Manu, Mahinasa, Mahan, Siva, Ritadhvaja, Ugrareta, Bhava, Kala, Vamadeva and Dhritavrata.

Rudra also have eleven wives, called the Rudranis, and they are Dhi, Dhriti, Rasala, Uma, Niyut, Sarpi, Ila, Ambika, Iravati, Svadha and Diksha.